Digital Marketing: a key real estate market tool

The real estate market has experienced some major upheavals in recent years. The first of these was the health crisis. Many households have expressed the wish to radically change their lifestyle and leave the big cities, interest rates have soared, but above all commercial interactions have become digitalized.

Today, almost 90% of all real estate projects begin with Internet research. During the covid and after the crisis, the real estate market was booming, not least because industry professionals were able to adapt and give digital tools a prominent place. In 2020, at the height of the crisis, almost one buyer in two used digital tools, and almost a third of those concerned said they were ready to carry out their transactions online.

But beyond digital tools that make it easier to contact people or carry out transactions remotely, and those that enable a better use of collected data, SEO strategies, newsletters and mailings campaigns, social networks now play an essential role in the real estate market. Nearly half the world’s population – 3.5 billion people – use social networks, and the number of new users has risen by nearly 300 million in recent months. Social networks have become an indispensable part of the commercial strategy of real estate professionals.

In the United States, the promotion of properties for sale via videos posted on social networks, live apartment visits and connected sales have become effective ways of promoting and selling real estate. This trend is gradually spreading around the world. We are now seeing more and more TikTok videos asking people in the street to visit their apartment, YouTube or Instagram videos relaying apartment tours carried out by influencers or by real estate agencies.

The world of real estate, once perceived as conservative, is increasingly opening up to new digital practices, much to the delight of consumers.

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