
We build buildings
that are accessible to all

Access to housing is a major social issue and a universal right.
Our buildings are accessible to all types of disabilities. They allow everyone, without distinction, to access them, move around in them and receive information.

Intelligent buildings improve accessibility

Connected buildings make it easier to accommodate people with disabilities. These technologies and intelligent systems are used by people with reduced mobility to simplify their daily lives. Everything becomes more practical, comfortable and reassuring.

Among other solutions, disabled people or wheelchair users no longer need to reach for the switch to turn on or off a light. Shutters, showers, TVs, closets, bathrooms, stair lifts, mirrors, urinals, toothbrushes, scales: everything is automated, remote controlled and connected.

Sensors also increase the safety of PRMs by making it possible to determine an abnormal absence of activity and quickly identify a problem.

Our buildings are adapted to the needs of the four families of disability by meeting the accessibility requirements of the building and housing code:

  • Motor disability
  • The two families of sensory handicaps, auditory and visual
  • Mental, cognitive and psychic disabilities

7 areas are key to accessibility


The entrance


The reception


Circulation areas


The cabins, if any


Sanitary facilities, if any


The parking lot, if applicable

